The Ageing Process
Noticed my skin is like sandpaper
Blotches showing up everywhere
A pimple resides at the end of my nose
Some areas have unwanted hair
What has happening to this body of mine
Seems it's just about falling apart
Ankles are swollen to twice their size
Been expelling a whole lot of farts
It's referred to as the ageing process
Is this what's in store from now on
No more of this sleeping in until noon
Always up at the crack of dawn
Needing to pee three times a night
My back teeth are floating around
Cramps in my legs are driving me nuts
And my PJs keep falling down
A hell of a mess this ageing process
Not a damn thing a person can do
Hang in there my friend it won't be long
The grim reaper will be calling on you!
Copyright © Jack Ellison | Year Posted 2012
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