The African Beauty
Chubby like a new born,
Crowned with lustrous black tresses,
Dark eyes laced with long lush lashes,
Full succulent lips that defies the science of make-up.
Her soft ebony skin, deeply oiled, tinkles in the Sun,
Well sculpted bosom rising and falling seductively,
With every step she exudes grace,
Giant graceful strides like a lioness.
The adamantine rigidity of life couldn’t hold her,
She is a ruler of her world,
With boundless, immeasurable, unlimited, and infinite heart,
Her soft words, heart and confidence are enviable.
Rounded fundament sways to her rhythmic strides,
Colourful jigida adorns her narrow waist,
Flexible waistline accentuating an arc hips,
Moulding into legs bold, strong and daring.
The figure eight of Africa,
She is intelligent, smart and brave,
She is bold, daring and suave,
She is gentle like a dove.
She is the African woman,
The most acceptable definition of beauty.
Call her Hafsat Mustapha.
Copyright © Stewart Annie Everestus | Year Posted 2019
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