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The South Westerly

Oh! for the wet warm South Westerly after the cold white North Easterly leaving sparkling rain on each window pane South Westerly. At night this rain paints all inanimate things a vivid hue, while humans look care worn, some even sickly, no longer New Year spick and span but of a drearier hue. New snow in the Wolds as yeast in England's east, another feast for children and adults unable to bring home the bacon. Drains turn into ice topped streams that underneath show water swimming like eels in a race to breed. Across the North Sea diagonally from The Wash, heavy snow is falling in the Norge fjords like so many Vikings on a raid for plunder, trade or conquest.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 2/1/2013 2:10:00 AM
Have you been in Norway Peter? - Yes, it's cold and winter here yet, I wish spring would come soon. - A very good poem. -Have a nice day. - oxox / / Anne-Lise :)
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Dorr Avatar
Peter Dorr
Date: 2/1/2013 2:25:00 AM
As a young boy I had a fantasy over an advertisement for visiting your beautiful country a very beautiful young woman! In 2011 my wife and I went on a cruise to Norway, the fjords were fantastic! It was one of the best holidays we have had since the lads left home. Thanks for your kind words. Best wishes, Peter.

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