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That the Perfect Husband-

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I'm Not In Love With My Husband Anymore

There is no perfect man yes there is There's no one who can stand yes there is There is no perfect husband yes there is O oh whoo what a man But he lies he cheats he litigates he tears a asunder He breaks hearts make broken shatter like glass He's always misspoken woe unto me there's no perfect husband oh but yes there is Woe but a man who does nothing Lays round and does nothing but Playing video games constantly And ranting screams and yelling for his wife to provide his supper Miss Justice no affection slap on the face that's his affection Rearing raising children a sperm donor He's not Not even a home owner use chosen but it's not it not there is a perfect husband you ratify you make excuses but remember you're not delusional sure he may go to work every now and then but most the he out on the corner with his friend in and out of the house in and out of your life like a revolving door sometimes unfaithful he's with that w**** but you know there's no such thing as a perfect man yes there is where is one to be found I know that there's one there is a perfect man perfect husband the one who got down on one knee you were hoping to be his wife for life but yet he was enticed he let his sins run run amok up whoa where's the perfect man where's the perfect husband here he is Jesus

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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