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That Suit Is You

poets shall now ~ present comment guidelines which will show us how let us avoid all ridicule ~ and not be too hyper criti-cule check box poem enjoyed or well done ~ AI generated has begun hell no waiter what's that fly doing in my soup? ~the backstroke monsieur favorite of the connoisseur's soup poop pesky fly in my soup good gawd ~ i'd swat the bloody thing but i shan't not worth the stain on my shiny new suit ~ off with you beastly pest, scoot —Add on by Tom Woody mock me if you must ~ uninvited poetry comment i can't trust —Add on by Robert Gorelick Was this poem any good? It was or it wasn't! No—A poem, like a song grabs you or doesn't! Don't be insidious!!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/23/2023 11:36:00 AM
Interesting read beautiful soul, i love your monokus, and i think this is about some poets criticizing others? Poems are pieces of our soul, we might express differently but i think whichever way express, they are someones emotions, i always hesitate to criticise … or point out even if theres a typo. I believe i am a much younger poet than most here , and i am learning, and i appreciate guidance but not bullies. And i would rather be anything but classless and unkind, keep shining always
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Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/24/2023 11:52:00 AM
Below; "Panagiota Romios" 5/2/23 is my tribute to her it got POTD! ;D Like SO says "Much is lost in translation, right? When people are not up front with what they want to say or just imply things, it can lead to a paranoid mind, whilst it can also be difficult to decipher silence" Anyway it will pass.. I'm just having a little fun. Keep smiling Ink! :)
Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 9/23/2023 8:41:00 PM
Awwn anaya! You are such a passionate soul, victim i will be only if i allow my mind and soul to be affected by negativity or bullies, i dont allow that. Pangie is a wonderful soul very wise and talented. I didnt know her age thank you for letting me know. She has been nothing but supportive to me. Dont worry about people, dont give them too much energy, focus on you. And keep going
Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/23/2023 3:35:00 PM
Yes it would be wonderful if they would put their energy in mentoring the youth, instead of criticising them!
Date: 9/22/2023 3:01:00 PM
"mock me if you must ~uninvited poetry comment I can't trust" --Truman Capote with my mix! I'm sorting publishing rights been busy, thanks to you Anaya!
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Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/22/2023 3:10:00 PM
Thank you, Robert for all of your support, yes I've been submitting your manuscripts to very important publishers for as long as I've been here it paid off, you held out! You deserve it, my angel. These last two years have been the time of my life! Thank you for your very classy Monoku, love it!
Date: 9/22/2023 11:41:00 AM
Interesting few words.. poetry is subjective and abstract, no one should be criticised for what they write.. not everyone wants constructive feedback, unless they ask.. I always try to comment positively.. I won't criticise anyones poetry or judge if someone has used AI ( i cant tell), personally i feel everyone has a poem in their heart, they just express differently..
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/22/2023 12:40:00 PM
Agreed. I've so left the past behind and although certain ones seem desperate to engage me I refuse to retaliate. Peace, love, joy, post!
Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/22/2023 12:24:00 PM
Great fury, like great whisky, requires long fermentation. Two years is a long time and I don't have time for bullies either, not anymore. I'm in a good mood, thanks to you, this is good for my well being.
Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/22/2023 12:05:00 PM
I am honored for your thoughts Silent One! Thank you
One Avatar
Silent One
Date: 9/22/2023 12:05:00 PM
There is nothing wrong in being nice and supporting poets, an act of kindness is a form of charity and it could be the difference between someone smiling or crying...
One Avatar
Silent One
Date: 9/22/2023 11:59:00 AM
I am sorry you had to go through this.. I have no time for bullies...
Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/22/2023 11:50:00 AM
Yes, I agree, SO! Guide me, into another realm of beauty!!!! This is about those who insist comments are too fluffy or they think soup overdone comments blow hot air /etc. My poem is about anti-bullying, they criticize for leaving comments that are too nice and so on, believing that it's not friendship. I did nothing but support these few folks for almost two years (that's as long as I have been here) but why should they have all the fun? A fun Monoku in general. I have nothing but respect for you SO! (I think you know how hard I worked to get these folks to accept me.) There are a few who'd rather us be zombies or be their clones, I'm keeping my personality I don't need a lobotomy! I needed to lash out today. ;D Add on?
Date: 9/22/2023 9:54:00 AM
Tongue in cheek humor or a poetic chastisement to behave? Either way it's quite creative
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Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/26/2023 2:33:00 PM
I did some adjustments, Monoku's should rhyme.
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/22/2023 11:10:00 AM
Ha! Thx. I wrote mine off the cuff. Your edit is better
Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/22/2023 10:26:00 AM
How's that. I had to add a few syllables, you may change it if you'd like. :)
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/22/2023 10:11:00 AM
A pesky fly in my soup, good gawd! I'd swat the bloody thing but I shan't stain my shiny new suit.
Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 9/22/2023 10:02:00 AM
Just some Monoku humor whipped up, minute poetry. I was inspired by unhappy, bitter, mopers, who want their comments done precisely as they say or nothing, it seems. Did you laugh or ? Got any add-ons? Excepting add-ons!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry