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That Kinda Day

ONE I did go to 5am prayers, with flashlight, and at 4:30 Felt remorse for my faults, as neighbor, leader, pastor ... Even prayed for my enemies and foes, whosoever will! Even interceding for China and the coronavirus angst, global near-panic Lovers lost and promises broken, telling others "Celibacy is do-able!" TWO This day went well as far as teaching about Mesopotamia I made connections: their numbers based on 60 gives us time & angles Reviewing how their 5,000 year-old potters wheel, birthed wheeled things Educating young minds to ask, "Why first harvests at rivers? Why not hunt?" Dealing with students is fun. Dealing with bureaucrats, yes at college, stings!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 4/28/2020 1:53:00 AM
Lover lost and promise broken, true in corona corona virus. Beautiful written Salaam bhai. Acrostic poem dedicate to you: A-dorable N-ice I-deal L-ike a person i met on Poetrysoup as friend D-aya(kindness), dharm(religious) and daan(donation) inherits in that person E-ast to West his wisdom without doubt is best O-ptimistic man i found as friend by God grace.
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Anil Deo
Date: 4/28/2020 11:04:00 AM
What a surprising response and generous, too. I don't deserve such honour, my brother. Yet so glad we have Bharath Mataji in common. I am a Christian pastor, but I think we can learn the great things about Hinduism. That is what Gandhiji, C.F. Andrews, & Missionary pastor E. Stanley Jones, said. Amen and Ahiirvadh aap Ur parivar ko lijiyeh
Date: 2/18/2020 10:01:00 PM
Still think there is lots of positive aspects to your poem, Anil, the fact it is here on soup, a way of expressing one's self.,Harry
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Anil Deo
Date: 2/20/2020 4:28:00 PM
shalom, shalom Sir Harry. Amen
Date: 2/17/2020 11:45:00 PM
One. I feel. TWO. I feel TIRED How do you feel, other than those really negative emotions that invite evil into our lives?
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