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Thanksgiving Blessings

I am thankful for the Blessing of Life Do you know where I’m typing? On a granite table, in the beautiful home where I house sit Thank you, Lord, for this grand opportunity Do you know what I’m drinking? Clean water in a glass Thank you, Lord, for quenching my thirst Do you know what I am eating? Fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat Thank you, Lord, for our bounty Do you know where I will sleep tonight? In a soft bed with sheets and blankets Thank you, Lord, for providing so I can rest It is not the big things that mean the most It is not television or shopping, fast cars or recreation It is the things that we forget about that God has given us It is our family, our friends, our pets, our sun, and moon that mean the most It is our opportunity to grow, to praise Him, to worship It is clean air and pure water It is that we are making it through Covid 19 and we will prevail If we all would get on our knees, yes on our knees, and thank the Lord If we all would praise Him not only when times are tough If we all would just be thankful for Him yes thankful for God We would know the real meaning of Thanksgiving and He would rejoice I am thankful for the Blessing of Life 10/28/2021 Written for Thanksgiving Blessings Poetry Contest Sponsored by Regina McIntosh

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 10/30/2021 3:27:00 AM
Lovely, simply BEAUTIFUL. I love your poem, your thankfulness to our wonderful Father. I'm faving this. It is absolutely purely, BEAUTIFUL. <3 Thank you for visiting my poem and leaving a message. It is so nice to meet you!
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Evelyn Swartz
Date: 10/30/2021 3:33:00 PM
Hello, Thanksgiving is my ultimate favorite holiday and not just because I love to eat!! It reminds me of my mother. God is really working my life right now. Thanks for noticing. Evelyn

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry