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Thanks John

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1/5/2025 for John Denver Poetry Contest sponsored by Anthony Biaanco

Clearly in my memory, a moment of discovery, in spiritual revery, and I was not alone. A kid, when I first heard his sound, with mountains all around, it was something new I found, Country Roads had brought me home. Two hours each way by bus, eight hours washing pots, and thus, life was hard, monotonous, and the days were long. I was just eighteen years old. In school, I should have been enrolled, but in my head, a voice of gold - I heard Annie's Song. Those were many years ago, and I am moving oh so slow. I don't have too much to show. My life is almost done. Too early, you said your goodbyes, but you help me see it rise, for my shoulders and my eyes, the shining of the sun.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 1/6/2025 12:43:00 PM
Oh l loved John Denver in my favourite and Annie's song is just beautiful. Felt such sadness when he died. Such a clear pure voice! Great poem David....Debx
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Date: 1/5/2025 9:18:00 PM
John Denver is very inspirational. I like his songs too. He always brought the sunshine. Good luck with the contest.
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David Crandall
Date: 1/6/2025 8:36:00 AM
Thanks Hilda! I think he's very popular and probably made a lot of people happy! (it's funny, the prefill wanted to complete that sentence "made a lot of money". that's probably also true).

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