Thank You From Joyce
So my heart has been warmed and touched by those who took the time in this selfish world to greet my once-a-year birthday greetings tunes. May your day be the day of love and growth for you also someone to care that you lived another year.. someone to express greeting means a heart filled thanks for the river of constant love that flows from heart to heart in the cycle of life.. May the river of kindness never run dry in my world your world of met and greet.
So the latest is from my birthday tell yesterday I have been all of a sudden very ill some say a psychic attack all right so with the tears in my eyes I tried to smile but the attacks did not stop very severely pain, so I prayed and I prayed all night long and cried so hard my eyes were swollen the pain remained and the dreams battles were fierce dizzy spells and I could not walk very far all of a sudden it was over. But my body is still very weak so every kind gesture has humbled me and the music keep me alive just believing in the songs that no wrong would bury my destiny keep me climbing this push to my inner flame and for you you don,t want to be me a lonely place to be great test and the still small voice and light that guides the way to. What the Holy Father wants from our time down here on earth. Update on my work.......................................................................
We are in the process of judging your submission(s) to our next anthology. We hope to have the judging completed by the end of October.
Copyright © Joyce Faure | Year Posted 2023
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