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Thank God I Have a Brother

Thank God I have a Brother! He fixes up the truck, I sometimes give him money, Whenever he gets stuck. (Not just for up and fixin’ The truck – not what I mean ‘f I tried, he wouldn’t take it) It’s just that times ‘re lean. His poor bald head works harder, Than any I have known! For he rides an old lawnmower, And not a horse or throne! He goes and helps the neighbors, He will not take a cent, (‘Course, he could make a killing, That’s just not how he’s bent!) Thank God I have a Brother, Whose Kindness lifted me, When I was drenched in sorrow, And couldn’t hardly see. He gripped me through the funeral, Around the shoulders, hard, And now, he’s lost his stepdad, Who helped him in the yard, Who told him ‘Mighty Fine’, and Who loved, and sat a spell, And stayed in the garage shop, And cared that he was well. So, now, he has a Brother, Who’ll stand up, when he’s stuck, And hold him by the shoulder, And help him fix the truck.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 2/23/2019 9:55:00 PM
The actions conveying the sincere brotherly love... This is a FAV for me!
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Andrew Fairchild
Date: 2/24/2019 12:57:00 AM
Thank You! 'The Rabbit' (that's what I call him, after the story, 'The Littlest Rabbit') is a good, wholesome soul and a good friend as well as a dear brother! Thanks for understanding!
Date: 2/17/2019 9:08:00 AM
Hi Andrew - Sibling love is so beautiful - never had a brother or sister but have one or two very good friends I can call such! Lovely, heart warming poem. Poetry hugs, Jennifer.
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Andrew Fairchild
Date: 2/17/2019 7:03:00 PM
Thank You! Such friendship is sure a great gift.
Date: 2/15/2019 10:34:00 AM
Heartwarming, Andrew. Wish my brother didn't live 3 time zones away. You reminded me how much I miss him dearly.
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Andrew Fairchild
Date: 2/15/2019 12:55:00 PM
Thanks! My brother is down in Illinois. I still call him 'Rabbit'.

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