Termite of Time
Where am I? Where has my vision taken?
Away amidst the turbulent seas with safety of shore forsaken
Neither the days of grandeur remain, nor the blissful drunken nights
Dismal is my life, alas! All eaten by time’s termites
When this sea of tears will dry up and land will be in sight
Holding olive branch in beak I see no dove to alight
My love is lost and youth parted leaving me aghast
Here I am with sunshine gone and sky of life overcast
The goblets of your eyes are no more inviting me to drink
In the horrid moments of sorrow and apathy I sink
A living corpse, that´s all my pitiable life is like
With gaping mouth, the angel of death is ready to strike.
Sintra, Portugal, June 14, 2016
Copyright © Mohammad Yamin | Year Posted 2016
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