Terminal - the word spoken
An uneasy silence competes
This diagnosis of death such
Leaves but twelve months to grieve
The outcome of my days here left
Now I know my fate, my torture
My life but spent almost the end
Never this I ever did ponder
Death is how I’ll now be known
As I slide towards my grave
Talk and whispers follow
As to the very end I slave
Though my burden worn by many
Strength and courage I display
Acceptance of my own must learn
How my fragile mind still prays
Each day must count one less to be
Memories made among confusion
Each celebration marred by I
Such is my imminent conclusion
The wait - time passes so slowly
Anticipate the end days far too fast
Compelled decisions demand creation
As each of my functions are cast
Death not to linger still alive
Last resting place to decide
Final plans for final days to come
Long may I keep my pride
No longer twelve months terminal
Ever weaker no independence see
Already life hath extinguished
Shallow breath all that will be
In the distance aware human voices
Of tears of touches goodbye
Beckoning a bright light shines above
As my last breath leaves and dies
Copyright © Tracy Somerville | Year Posted 2019
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