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Temptation by M. Griswold 07182020 Temptation, temptation, that candied shadowed sin. Always teasing to be pleasing those desires within. Pecking away at the walls of your fortitude's tower. Hoping to steal your spirits inner strengths power. Lurking somewhere deep within your mind's shade. It looks for that moment of your weakness needs aid. Then likened to a vulture, it swoops down on you. Flittering and hoovering over that which you do. Enticing fully like dangling candy until you give in. Is this, temptation's goal of sinfully hoping to win. It will not give up nor will it just slowly slink away. But will come at you minute by minute, day after day. In some form or another it will always be with you there. Torturing, tormenting always in hopes you it will snare. So you must never give up or give in to this easy, teasing sin. Always be alert and never give an inch to where it may begin. That tantalizing tickle must be ignored from its beginning. By calling upon the Lord for power to keep you from sinning. Our security lies in He who crushes sin with His mighty fist. Without God's courage we would surely lose our will to resist.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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