Tell Them
When they tell you your crazy tell them your passionate.
When they tell you I hate you tell them I love you.
When they tell you your a coward tell them their brave.
When they tell you your dumb tell them their smart.
When they tell you your confused tell them your trying to find.
When they tell you your dark tell them their light.
Tell them their is significance of day and night.
When they tell you your small tell them their big.
Tell them every tree was once a tiny seed.
When they tell you your low tell them their high.
Tell them the rain must land and so must the bird in the sky.
Tell them they must land on that low dirt to rest.
When they tell you your young and foolish.
Tell them their old and smart.
Tell them you are what they once was at the start.
Tell them dreams and reality is not far apart.
Copyright © Elliott Bowe The Drunken Poet | Year Posted 2012
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