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Teens Rising

getting through to a teen, is truly a task from hell; a smack across the lips, could land your butt in jail! with heads thicker than concrete, tell 'em left and they'll go right; all we want is what's best for them, why is it such a fight?! a new day has risen, parenting's a difficult job; drilling the skull of a teenager, is like water on a door knob! society's a different planet, beyond our mortal door; if i ever sassed my parents, my teeth would be on the floor!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 1/20/2010 2:43:00 PM
Milton~ Your are so right and I love the last stanza If I need a laugh I know where to go to read good humor. We need you here on the soup! Love Laura :)
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Date: 1/20/2010 1:52:00 PM
I hear you, Milton. The thing is you can do your 110% to help them see why you want them to do certain things your way. They still do what they or their peers want! I have one and I tell her you yo hear this from me because if "experience" teaches you this, it would be like being put back in the 3rd grade and there will definitely be a price to pay! So you'd be better off Listeniing to me- it's free and you you'll be steps ahead of the game. "You can take that to the bank!! Great job! Favs.!
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Date: 1/20/2010 1:01:00 PM
I do not have any children but my sister said to me one time "when did I become my mother,"after she had to tell her daughter not to do something...and I remember my teenager years as being the sort of person who knew everything, well at least more than my parents didand I was amazing how smart they got later on... I enjoyed your poem/
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Date: 1/20/2010 12:15:00 PM
Got quite a giggle from the last two lines, Milton! However, I suspect our own parents thought the same of us as we were growing up. People and their lifestyles seem to become softer with each generation. Today it's almost criminal not to give a teen a new car on his/her 16th birthday. You made me look back fondly at my own teen years, wondering how Mom and Dad ever managed to handle the task of raising our family. Great work! Love, Carolyn
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