Teenage Rejection
Glasses thick, bottle style
in classes social and other,
condemn the wearer young and sweet;
jailed not of her own choosing,
but for her birth place in societal realms.
Though she strives-tries-cries,
never is heard her lonely wail,
even through words well placed
in offices of the high and mighty
student council and miss jr high’s court of fools.
They see clearly her place
as they ostracize willingly her tender youth
and without thought of tomorrow’s sorrow
condemn her to the land of undesired carnage,
where she is devoured by teenage wolves.
She pleads, she screams her needs,
critical acceptance worlds away,
wanting only a friend sharing her cares,
getting only stares from foolish jesters
ignorant of love’s meaning true.
Asking why?? she is met: Blindsided
by a sinister thesis on teen angst
as unchanged as Newton's third law,
proven timeless through the awful reality
of the junior high drama.
Copyright © Allen Good | Year Posted 2006
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