Teenage Love 2-And-A-Half: Childhood Sweethearts
This type of love have been in the lives of all children (boys and girls) for some time to
come. It's been like that since the day the kids started going to camp and elementary
school. It seems as though that when a little boy had fallen in love with a little girl or
the other way, their hearts start to beat, they're getting this emotional feeling in their
ribs, thoughts rushing tn their brains, and that kinda stuff. It will have looked like
that their parents will have know that their kids were in love with each other, even from
the beginning. There's been a lot of young relationships that have begun back in
elementary school and at summer camp, especially when one little boy had met one little
girl when they were participating in a lot of camping activities (kayaking, e.g.). But
what's so great about a lot of long-term relationships most of all is when this boy and
this girl are talking to each other on the phone on a Saturday night. This type of young
love among children from around the world is starting to look like the movie, "Little
Manhattan" with Josh Hutcherson. It's also as if this was a real fairy tale. Sometimes,
some relationships among kids don't last long, but some of them do. And when it comes to
these kids-before-teenagers falling in love with each other, there is such thing as love
at first sight. Love follows all of the children everywhere they go; it exists. Their
parents will have gotten this funny feeling inside, especially when they were supposed to
know what their lives were like as children when they met and fell in love. Let's hope
everybody knows that young love exists. Let's also hope that the parents know that their
children are in love with each other. And if this type of young love continues to grow and
grow and grow day in and day out, their hearts will never be broken in the near future.
Let's hope they stay together forever.
Copyright © Brashard Bursey | Year Posted 2011
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