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Tears of the Blue-Bleak

Waking in this glass-light prison where losses magnify; painful tear-prisms shiver and shatter the blue-bleak shriek of air on another mausoleum morning of mourning. Grief's sharp knife-edge slitted the sapphire sparkle of small hours. Sky-cried raindrops trickle down the window pane. My early morning coffee cup brims with a bitterness I cannot contain. Raw regrets throb thick in my throat. Tears for the lost ones: the ghosts who gather in fuliginous gloom, their haunting hollow-husk words shivering through me. Secret tears for the tiny life that leached from me in throbbing gobbets of crimson. Silent tears for the departed who sleep deep, shawled in their tear-beaded soul-shrouds. A filmy gauze of grief forms on my eyes. Teardrops glisten like the crystalline beads that glistered on the satiny sheen of my wedding gown. A crystal flow of tears solidifies and freezes to an ice floe of unaccountable fears as the terror cards are dealt in turmoil. A choker of tear-pearls chokes my throat; diamond droplets of desolation dampen my cheeks. A sea swell of sadness squeezes the salt water from each eye-pool as losses batter and buffet me. Morning's frangible glass-light shatters; the teardrop shards fall and scatter, blue-bleak, in dolorous dawn's tear-trembling light.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/21/2023 1:17:00 PM
Hmmm.... you like to write cryptically but I'm interpreting this as multiple miscarriages? Stanza five guided me there, but you mention them in the plural. In any case, this is deeply sad and I can only hope it's fiction. You write sublimely
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Charlotte Puddifoot
Date: 9/21/2023 4:26:00 PM
not fiction alas..the poem encompasses many different losses, including miscarriage..appreciate your comment, glad you liked it
Date: 9/4/2023 7:59:00 AM
Incredible penning my dear! My word for word praise would be longer than the poem itself!
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Date: 7/22/2023 3:24:00 PM
Your imagery and descriptions are epic, Charlotte. Thank you for sharing you gift of poetry with us. Have a great weekend! Bill
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Date: 6/26/2023 3:01:00 AM
This is pretty epic, I salute you. It has rawness running all the way through it, and I see no hope.
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Date: 6/24/2023 5:43:00 PM
Charlotte, CONGRATS on your win with this emotional, vividly descriptive piece! Janice
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Date: 6/24/2023 3:36:00 AM
exquisite, enchanting, enlightening. Love it so. Congrats and thank you for entering., God bless you with many more amazing words. Love, Gina
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Date: 6/20/2023 10:43:00 AM
Wonderful imagery in this poignant write, dear Charlotte! Verse 6 is my favorite…also love: Morning's frangible glass-light & dolorous dawn, etc.. I view it all differently after losing Mom, whose ashes are in a purple urn. I’ve never picked it up…3 for sure have held it…my brother, son and of course Dad. So different then visiting a grave sight. So surreal. Dad cheers the urn three times for his love. <3
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