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Tears of Gethsemane

Tears in the Garden of Gethsemane were in a downpour They ran deep in the cracks of pain of a divine soul There was an endurance of a struggle to repress the world’s evils An anguish that could not edify Jesus' slumbering disciples The passing of that grief was beyond what scripture could show The rain hanged in the clouds to let Jesus’ tears flow Dripping from his eyes and drenching his white robe The lord absorbed humanity’s inflictions with every heartthrob The life that was breathed into the Garden of Eden Jesus held its breath to give us a new life in Gethsemane An immolation of divinity no prophet could amply inscribe A supplication beyond any prayer that the saved can imbibe It is the longest time a man has ever beseeched and knelt The most hits the world’s spines of sin can ever pelt The heaviest burden a single man has ever felt Agape flooded Gethsemane when God's tears spilt

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 3/14/2020 6:52:00 AM
That was beautiful! Thank you and God bless.
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Michelo Mweetwa
Date: 3/14/2020 8:18:00 AM
You are welcome, thank you for the kind words.

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