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Tears of Atonement

She watched the towers fall to earth that pristine, young fall morn. She saw the skies so clear and blue and then the clear was gone. As horror filled her inner soul; her heart and mind were lead. The towers crumbled one by one . . and everyone was dead. Harsh sobs came forth from deep inside, but still her face was dry. More sadness than a tear could bear; her eyes refused to cry. She prayed to God: then called Him out. She begged Him intervene. As all the while the horror grew, with each new ghastly scene. The day wore on becoming night: grey ash and twisted steel. So much to work through in her mind; how could this all be real? "You need to cry", she spoke aloud; you need assuage your soul. You need to sob: make peace with God, if your faith's to remain whole”. Yet still the tears refused to come, denied her all relief. It seemed that tears could not begin to lessen untold grief. Then came a truth from deep inside, meant for her . . and me. “If you could cry for what you've seen, you'd overflow each sea”. “If tears would pay for all the pain that man has caused to man; Salt lakes would one day cover, what was once earth's arid land. Could tears atone for every lesser creature man's abused, More water from the eyes would flow, than earth could ever use”. “Tears surely meant to bathe this sphere, like soft and healing rain; The air and soil and streams befouled for mankind's worldly gain. Why earth would be a pale blue orb . . a landless, liquid ball. Could tears atone for man's misdeeds; no earth would show at all”.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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