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Tears From a Clown

there's a song in my heart that needs to be sung in union with friends a bit combersome fallen angelic creatures with vast different features create a whole inside flirting with fire blowing it up to its fullest of desire the life of a clown is lonely at times hidden below a window exposed to the very notion of solace screened in like a bend of a fold each day is a new way to make children happy to see make up just a touch to much can be costly in the game yet deep inside they often hide behind a false hidden garb of compromise twisted lies Barnum Bally is no more yet they shiver in the wind waiting to begin again flowers, props & shoes often will sing their Sunday best blues in nursery homes enjoyed by the elderly to get even one more last laugh behind life's squeeky wheel for some no big deal yet at night when folks do fright the clown cry's a box full of tears to calm all fears doorways latched with a hammock a cat attached to the swing pulls it along with song at each venture the clown will become less combersome to this world a choice to eat out at Mickey D's with a Happy meal loving Ronald as a mascot of some sort other clowns reside in a high appeal of life with its glitz and toys Each must face their fate among a Peyton Place some may urinate in the hallway some clowns turn to vice with booze to take away there inner pain let me explain: Clowns are people each one of us you see in the great scheme of the circus called life we worry let out the jury running to then fro in a hurry some even change to story Clowns are humans after all every single one of us heavy burdens are gone lifted up when a clown is around there can be no exception for the real tender clown in you perhaps i have bitten off far more then I could ever chew Elephant shoes

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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