Team Players
Team players shake hands good luck
Shoot scores the hockey puck
The soccer player kicks the ball
The sky diver takes the fall
The football player must run fast
All winners first or last
A little white ball and a tee
A game of golf or maybe rugby
The skater twirls with such grace
The prize horse comes in first place
The Olympics draws a big crowd
Monster trucks are very loud
Base ball has the fly ball
The referee makes the call
Wrestling well i find that fake
A race with boats on the lake
Roll the ball and knock down the pins
The whistle blows see them swim
From the bleachers comes cheers and screams
Volleyball played in teams
The highest mountains they like to climb
The race car hurries to the finish line
You should really consider if your tall
Getting in to playing basketball
liking sports to watch or play
Win or loose thats okay
Copyright © Colleen Laforme | Year Posted 2007
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