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Talking To God By a Box Fan

"TALKING TO GOD BY A BOX FAN" hi God: it's 3:33 in the morning and I don't know what to do. everything is upside down. there are red eyes sitting over the kitchen table and they are all laughing and eating and singing. I haven't slept right in weeks and you wake me up in the middle of the night to write. I just took a pill and I'm waiting for it to put me down. no one is around. they're out and silent. I have my own out and silent and it's in this room. they create a heart inside a man and let him sink. I need a knock on my door from an old face. why is it when a man is soaked in love the rain never stops? why is it after they create a heart inside a man they leave him to write poetry in bed at 3:33 in the morning? By: Chicano Eddie

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 7/8/2018 9:03:00 PM
Tonight, the mountain sky is clear. In a few hours the stars will tease me with their winks. The twilight is for your poem, and it's as enjoyable as the coming sunset!
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