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Tales of Reconciliation

Poet's Notes

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Between families and friends there always seems to be times of created distances and disturbances. Often the hurts never get healed and the pain remains. Before one realizes it, months and years pass and no movement is made to reconcile. Pride cashes in its chips and the house wins all. The moment is gone and one is left without salvation.


Tales of Reconciliation When the moodybirds alight in the silence of the night; When all is within reason shadow calling unknown mysteries hidden by the turning of the seasons. Within that spectrum shines the light of the sparks, tightly wrapped within, smoldering converse remarks, engagements of woeful tales of onerous tribulations, locked in hurried excitations of irksome frustrations. Will we then be able to compile a history filed and gently stored away in discreet spaces remembered in memories or perceptions of exquisite imaginations? The intermission of time soon sings its song. There are no more choices. CAK 12-21-2018

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 12/13/2022 8:36:00 PM
Such sagacious advice, Allan. Unfortunately we erect so many barriers to frank communication. The walls never come down. Some cling to grudges like security blankets. As you write, time rings its bell. We run out of spaces for reconciliation. A strong, thoughtful write. Sincerest regards. Brian
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Date: 1/8/2019 12:02:00 PM
Time passes with the seasons and so does the rare opportunity for rapprochement. Acrimony remains and words are said. All cementing the ego of righteousness. It seems only at death will there be reconciliation.
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Date: 12/27/2018 12:21:00 AM
So true, putting pride in pocket is the only way to forgiveness. Only needs humility from one side to make the move towards reconciliation. Reconciliation doesn't always come naturally, making a decision to do so in the future, helps one to overcome the fears involved in doing so. Being mindful of "too late," is an incentive for "it's never too late..." I learnt that lesson well. Thank you for a very thoughtful write! : ))
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Allan Koven
Date: 12/27/2018 11:28:00 AM
Thank you for your comments. As one gets older, we are supposed to become wiser. Not always true.

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