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Tale of the Magic Mirror

People said she was ugly, this simple girl of fifteen springs. At home she didn’t have a mirror, because her parents thought her fragile heart would break if she saw her face so very ugly. She liked to be alone with herself, often going out, to swing her legs in the clear water of the nearby placid pond, and play with the floating water lilies, but never ventured to go in the deeper waters for she didn’t know how to swim. One full moon night when the shining water was calm, she saw the pond turn into a mirror, reflecting her ugly face onto her shocked eyes. She then decided not to look in the water mirror ever again, but would make a special mirror of her own that would show her a beautiful face she longed to see. She earnestly did this polishing a steel plate with the sturdy stems of water lily, and made the magic mirror of her own, where she saw her smiling face as beautiful as the flower. She then told people, her mirror could magically turn all faces into lovely flowers. People said she had become insane. This made her inordinately sad, but found consoling refuge and joy in her image she saw, smiling like the water lily in the magic mirror One spring, in the gleaming twilight hours, when the pond water was rippling the hues of the setting sun, she was plucking the water lilies, her magic mirror she carried always with her, slipped from her unwary hand, and as it submerged and disappeared in the deep waters, she immediately plunged on an impulse in the pond, and sank with the mirror at the bottom and lay motionless to see for the last time her smiling face lying beside her magic mirror. On her sixteenth birthday people found the pond covered with blooming water lilies, they said beautiful. __________________ January 14, 2023 Contest : Metrical Tale Sponsored by : Hilo Poet

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/5/2024 1:00:00 PM
Congratulations on your placement in he contest..
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Date: 1/20/2023 12:37:00 AM
A beautiful tale of how an ugly girl became immortal as a beautiful pond. Best of luck for the contest:-)
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Sinha-Roy Avatar
Subimal Sinha-Roy
Date: 1/20/2023 9:25:00 PM
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