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Take My Hand

If Thou take not our hands, and feet, our bodies hosting ghostly minds, our organic inside lives flowing out emphatic love We will continue to fail, to fear, to feel tired, retired, weary, untreaded, worn. When I try to sing this earnest prayer with only my heady voice from the neck up, following all correctly crowned notes, judiciously following lines of predicted pitch and regulated rhythm, this feels secularized, dissociated, dissonant, disembodied divisive desperately diminishing Just another LeftBrain verbally dominant presentation, pretty practice preparing for passive, impassive listeners unmoved unwounded untouched. But, if I feel free to sing in urgent gospel voice, full body moving rhythmic passionate choice, Then, together we embrace with hands, with feet, hips knees bowed shaking supporting quaking remembering past sacred invocations, a plea for noted grace sufficient safe sacred space for this next breath, next minute, hour, dark night. "I have lost my precious sons" to disease to death to suicide to hate to anger to fear to greed to sadness badness madness, to lack of full-bodied gospel gladness. "I have lost my diva faith" in healing in compassion in power of hope love passion curiosity, light of resonance music nonviolence healthy communication peace communion. "I am drowning in fear" and anger trauma panic that my life loses sacred meaning and secular purpose, divine agency without this mindful, fully embodied cherished 0-soul relationship between mindfulness and full-bodied wellbeing. A transparent vulnerable passionate togathering of primal love, eye to eye, ear to ear, cheek to cheek engagement from universal crown to unitarian root chakras Whole neurosystemic singing voices for healing hands, dancing choices for strong-heeled feet. Precious Lord on sacred knee I cannot stand again straining within restricted lines, merely correct notes with sufficiently static pitch, frozen below my neck, devoid of love lost darkly silenced invocations, urgent compassions Inviting Precious Lord to take my hands, my feet, my mindful crown and sacred bodied roots singing down into deep nurturing raw dancing need to cherish Earth's sacred Integrity Life and Death Health and Pathology Gain and Loss Summer and Winter Regeneration and Degeneration Light and Dark MindPower without BodyLoss Wearied rest Worn peace Weak strength Not negative positive Either and or Crowned AnthroLord and Rooted Indigenous EarthWomb.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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