Take a Penny, Leave a Penny
You've seen them. Those little trays on the store counter with pennies in them and often a sign saying “Take a penny, leave a penny”. On occasion, I have dropped pennies in them, but until just recently, I never had occasion to need one. Falling two cents short of my purchase price, I reached for another dollar, when the clerk said “I've got it” and added the two cents from the tray.
Why bring that up you may ask. Well, because I was thinking, which always gets me in trouble, how much those pennies are like reading poetry. Most people do not avail themselves of poems that are lying there for the taking, waiting for someone to want them. More people will probably leave poems then ever pick them up. But when they want one, it is nice to know there is one they can have.
People say pennies aren't worth much, but I beg to differ. Their value varies by how much you need or want it. Poems are like that. Their value is generally greatest to the person that offers it. It is given for the soul purpose of pleasing someone else. However, those that use them place their own value upon them. Some they are very thankful to get, while others, well, not so much.
The bottom line, to me at least, is a penny is always a penny and a poem is always a poem. It is what we do with it that makes the difference. I know that much that I write does not necessarily speak to the reader. But to me, it's value does not decrease. By the same token, I read some things and say “ok” and move on, while others I keep. It doesn't make any difference to me. The author thinks it's great, and so do some readers. That's as good as it gets. If you don't like it, like the penny, leave it there. But if it fills a need, pick it up and use it.
That's my two cents worth.
Copyright © Bob Quigley | Year Posted 2012
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