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Superelite Egomaniacs

Pathological Ego projectors onto stereophonic EcoOthers, voiced and unlanguaged, rejoicing and lamenting, healthing and reverse wealthing, investing and divesting, breathing in and bleeding out, do not make viable healthy candidates for democratic WinWin public office. Co-empathic DNA work through history invites dipolar co-arising role-play outside-nature Left cast as EitherWinOrLose dominant colonizers co-inviting inside-spirit Wise MatriarchalElders RightBrain Both/And recessive ecofeminist creolizing StoneSoup cooperative network rebuilders-- the experiential motherland of democratic nature-spirits. Ego X-YangNature beloving Eco Y-YinSpirit, WinWin regenerate health-wealth economic and political and personal transparent DNA ZeroZones. PositivEnergy integrates and notnot NegativEntropy dissonant inmates blowout past and future irrationality anti-creation anti-theological patriarchal pathology, anti-systemic competitive Lose to Lose punishing GodVoices speaking unholy scriptures for terrorists and violent colonizers, Monoculturing WallBuilders Not Left to Not Right to Not West to Not East to Not North to Not South... Healing (0)riginal co-relationals through universal +,+1.00% Ego,Eco ZeroZone ZeroSum ZeroCore Revolution Healing Ego within EcoTherapeutic WinWin Environmental Justice-- ClimateHealth Emerging Green reborn from EcoMatriarchal wombed CoOperative Ownership organically restored BiNomial Winning Egonomic Winning Sacred Ecological BiLateral co-arising differentiations in time of revolving light Like Father Hydrogen with Mother Helium timeless synergetic bionic co-acclimation-- acclaiming ecotherapeutic democratic co-ownership roots of eternally divine progenitors.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 7/5/2018 5:00:00 AM
Nice political verse, Gerald!
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