Sugar Sarcophagus
Squatting in the insouciant syrup of a somber solid sucrose,
I’m cemented in a molasses morose and its lipogenic fructose.
The glucose gathers as regurgitated nectar barfed by a buzzing swarm,
And what’s inside is fossilized into a saccharine sticky form.
Alas, an amber chamber for a saprophagous future,
Entombs me in my own sarcophagus sealed with a sugar suture.
In this honeycomb crumbling catacomb that captures those who enter,
I’m licked away like a lollipop with a parasitic center.
For all that’s left inside of me has soured into a rotten pile of litter,
As all that’s sweat outside my skin conceals the inner bitter.
Copyright © B.J. Fitz | Year Posted 2018
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