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Stupid Poem

If ignorance is no excuse under the law. Can you imagine what stupid is? Stupid are the people who Win the lottery and have A good time spending money and some give it away, Not saving a dime for a rainy day. Then to their regret, they even end up in debt. Now as a man I, have had a few senior moments, but we're not talking about me. If stupid is, what stupid dose. Then stupid is something you’re going to see. The apple doesn’t fall far from the family tree. It doesn't matter if its in your genes or in your DNA there is no medical cure for stupidity. At least not today. There’s no pill you can take, no lotion you can rub on. A fool and his money are soon parted. (True Story) Again you can see we're not talking about me. Thanks to Uncle Sam Idiot number one gets paid 6,000 plus a month buys a car, paid for it in cash. Two months later its repossessed, because he was dumb enough to get a title loan, and (not) make the payments. Lost his checkbook twice, made ATM withdrawals. Bank says he’s 8,000 dollars in the hole, and he wonders why. It’s been said that, it’s better to be silent and let people think you’re stupid, than to open your mouth and Remove all doubt. Stupidity has a voice, When we take the foot out of our mouth we can hear it. For some people stupidity is a symptomatic rule. On the coldest night of the year homeless people in a homeless shelter are given blankets and told That they can’t use them there. This was written 2016

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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