Study Guide
Nathan Gilmore hit the news
Was it his bloodline or did he choose STUDY GUIDE
A life to kill, a life to die
Was he trained or is it lies
Propaganda still it reigns
Still... it's there to fill our brains
A poor man's game of solitaire
A piece of fat from those who care
When they’ve taken all but your last best
Take all you won so they don’t forget
But if you bet and do not win
Acknowledge one day you will try again
Don’t let pity still your gains
You earned that gold, you won the game
Friendly wagers are never lost
But make sure you can cover cost
Well fed, you look but can you play
Or are you one with something to say
I've but a moment or two to spare
Please don’t stutter and don’t be scared
Yes, to you, it's important though
But if you don’t speak up, I must hurry and go
Choose your words wisely, think before speak
Ask me questions but please keep it brief
The answers are foreign some call them trash
So, ponder your choices before your question is asked.
Copyright © Lorraine Peterson | Year Posted 2022
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