Strong Like Any Other Day
I’m awoken every morning with the yapping of birds
Perhaps the only exhortation to swell and spread my buds
For sundry to see, to digest whatever meal I serve
For this day like any other, different dish I prime
Forget what you saw yesterday
Didn’t you see the day retreat into the silent night?
Didn’t you see the sun wane into a lobe so beautiful at dusk?
Me saw it pregnant, retreating to surface with greater good
Fresh as it calls, bringing with it tidings
So longed for, so much coveted glidings
So I majestically swim in its waves
With timid jumpsuit washed away, awash in its claves
Am puffed up at the tick of every hour
On thorny and snaking road I meander
Determinedly employing every slither to thither
For yesterday I was afraid of the mileage and I covet their power
The courage you see, the scars you count, the bruises that bleed timely
Say not sorry to me, because they fuel my grit and bleed not blood
But life that I so much desire!
Copyright © Real Heman | Year Posted 2022
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