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Stripped of Verbs

Stripped of verbs last night i slept with myself i hugged and kissed before sleep. In the middle of the night I was pushing myself off the bed, There was no room and I wanted to step aside. From my body, letters flowed, I tried to squeeze my breasts so that somehow I wouldn't lose, The words I would whisper to myself before falling asleep, But my nipples were incapable of keeping marks Teeth broken in a hurry. Between me and myself I put the verb: "Shoot!" And I pulled my buttocks closer So that I can feel the blood running rebel To the column of pulsations that ruled my body. I sat down next to Me And I was kissing my hair: You know, we should be between our clothes more often!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/9/2023 4:14:00 PM
This is certainly unique, as is all of your poetry. Kissing my hair... Missing someone who's no longer there, trying to find some measure of comfort. Sublime
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Elena Mihalachi
Date: 9/27/2023 6:27:00 AM
The love, feelings I picture in my poems are known by me from books. And I try to keep it alive and safe in the chamber of my soul, cause the World won’t be ever capable to express in this way. This being the reason why people love books. A book can change your life, leaving a deep pleasant mark, same as first love. Everything lived with intensity will make to miss and wish to look for it again. Because is hard to fulfill and feed heart with real, long-lasting emotions, I decide to put all in my poems. I am alive as long my poems are and other books I read. Without books I couldn't imagine where else was my refuge favorite place ))

Book: Reflection on the Important Things