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STRANGERS: What would have been the story, If I was never in this place of heartbreaks? Would it have been something else for me? What if you were not on this earth surface, Could that deal be very crispy? Maybe it could be an uncountable situation, And the story would have been different. Although I don't know how much you want to be alive, I know you want to live the best for yourself, So that you can finish whatever you've started... For it to be a game that you surely can win. But with the shadows of darkness before us, Prejudice always tries to strike with disgust. And apart from cemented stereotypes, The story still remains old and bad. Non of us know what we have in our respective hands, So everything shows that we're strangers to ourselves. We make promises out of happiness and flattery, Then we later fail each other out of hatred. Only because, we see each other as alien.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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