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Strange Sign Was Seen In Bavila Kingdom In 1960

A strenge sign was seen in Uvila when Prince Kambulishi Lutambwe went to rest. The grandsons of King Mussabwa Kamango were hunted by some traitors and swindlers silently, One day Prince Kambulishi Lutambwe failed in their traps that were poisoned things brought by some people to terminate him. A prince who could defend their throne as colonial rule was abolished in June 1960. Now was the right time for the royal house to claim their rights. It was September 1960, the family of King Mussabwa Kamango thought of choosing the Prince they wanted and entrusting him to the elders of Bavila so that they could handle the coronation of their culture and traditions (It was a secret plan of the the royal house). Traitors and swindlers who were placed by some Belgian officials on some important posts of cultural affairs were  thought to be removed by the new king and their lives could be miserable  as they could  be unemployed. So they secretly planned to kill Prince Kambulishi Lutambwe  and Alfonce I Rally ( Lali)  Ngengethe Mussabwa who qualified for the position of the King. Prince Kambulishi Lutambwe was poisoned and failed ill. The day he died, The earthquake shook the entire Kingdom of Bavila, many people who lived in the hills near the royal forests could witness the crack of Mount Munanila as large stones failed to the valleys. some huts on the mountains were torn apart, Some people on the boundaries of the lake fallen. People who were near the body of Prince Kambulishi Lutambwe were  afread, As  they could not resist such a wonderful manifestation. they thought about the signs they heard to some elders about the fire from the grave of Prince Luhongeka Ngengethe Mussabwa who was one of the grandfathers of Prince Kambulishi Lutambwe. Some people thought about the signs that happened when Jesus Christ died on the cross. They were wondering, "Why this terrible earthquake as our Prince rests with God, Was our God angry again because of this cruel death of the prince? The prince was buried at kijaga graveyard, His death remained  in the minds of many people, as they always remember that earthquake. October 20 / 2023

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