Story of My Grandpa's Estate
Once upon a time
On a plateau
In a French hiding place
because in my opinion somebody wrote some cheques
that kept bouncing back
soo much happened
and my father my mother said
was an ostrich
with his head in the sand
but what did she know
She left when we were kids
and seems to know nothing of the reasons why the coal mine shut down
and the cripples and accidents
and the truth of the terror
I'm about to reveal
But now there is no turning back
A grease monkey
Hard hat
Slip of footing
Six feet someone sings today
Isn’t too far
But you know what?
That accident left my grandpa in a coma
A blood clott in his brain
And never knew anything
of how my grandma
On her way to visit him in the hospital
got into a car accident
break failure
Highway 40
Slippery roads
Years go by
Nothing the same
Grandpa doesn’t know me
Never did
Never knew my name
Or called me on my birthday
I don’t know how he would have felt if he knew I was gay
He owned planes
And airplane hangers
Tools of every kind
And with his broken brain
and dent in the middle of his forehead
My step grandma
Changed his will
and gave everything to my dads step sisters
leaving out his blood relatives
And my dad
pays lawyers
To fight for what is right
I haven’t figured out the life lesson
But I’m not sure if that dent
That soft spot
In his bald head was truly from a fall
I know this sounds paranoid
But what do you expect from a mental case
Who ended up in a mental institute
Running away from pretty much the maffia who murdered 3 of my friends
It was always weird being around grandpa
Remembering him when I was young
The last memory I have of him
Is him telling me yelling at me while I was laughing drinking apple juice
And my dad took me home
and then a little while later came the mysterious fall
Now all this
The twist of how unfair life is
Removed from a will
Because of a woman
who gave everything to my dads evil stepsisters
At the funeral I should have been a pole bearer
Instead in disgust
I couldn’t cry because
There were these strangers doing it
Who didn’t know my grandfather at all
Copyright © Troy Nelson | Year Posted 2007
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