Story of a Dream
I had a dream, a dream that was so amazing that it seemed real,
Although It was unbelievably a dream.
A dream where everything was all good, where although it sometimes rained
, and got tough there was no was no reason to ever complain
A dream of two individuals joining as one,
Yes there was rainy storms but together we create the sun
A dream whet we could bee doing absolutely nothing but still it would be fun.
There's a special connection, where I absolutely love every second
A dream where your touch was so heavenly , that we melt together
A dream of eternity cause nothing could break a Bond of forever.
You and I we're meant to be together
Sun shinning in any weather , with finger tips light as feathers
A dreams where our flaws we're so small, that to each other they we're nothing at all, because our love, defeats all,
A dream where just like I do , you
never hold the past against me
We help and encourage each other to succeed
This is the story of a dream , a dream of a true match made in Heaven, call it a ~DreamTeam
Copyright © Kiko Quinn | Year Posted 2018
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