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Storms of War

Could always feel the threat in the air, When a bad storm was gathering fast. Soon heavy clouds would conquer the fair, And hold them captive in their firm grasp. Thunder like huge kettle drums would pound, Lightening hit with perilous strikes, A downburst of rain would fall and pound, All nature, mankind and beast, alike. Most storms downhome approached from the west, But other storms much, much worse, it seems, Are forming and raging in the East, Threatening borders of all regimes. History notes World War I and II, Civil to Iraq and some coups, Revealing that war brings on much rue, Leaving chaos and pain when it’s through. Yea, in many places conflict rages, Devastating loss with deadly bombs, Crushing precious lives of all ages, Leaving their hopes and futures stillborn. Very real threats linger in the air, Binding people captive in war’s grasp, Struggling in the midst of woe and fear, Dying daily in war’s stormy blast. Earthquakes, storms, disputes, and conflicts rage. Guess they shall ‘til time fades away, But there is a word from wisdom’s page, Calling for swords beat into plowshares. Peace is fragile and frail in nature, To have a chance, peace must be honored, By the brave ones of every culture, Who desire war itself be conquered.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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