Stop Spending
You always do this to me
spend money on things we don't need,
stop spending more than you have
you act like you're filled with greed.
You are always biting off
more than you can chew,
we would have more money
if you would stop buying booze.
Twenty dollars here
and thirty dollars there,
stop wasting what we don't have
I feel like pulling out my hair.
You must be severely stupid
and you always complain,
about not having any money
stop playing this dumb ass game.
Stop being a jackass
and realize what you're doing,
guess you should be treated like a baby
sitting in your juices and stewing.
Why can't you be a saver?
You've always said you can't trust yourself,
quit drinking, then you'll see
we'd be up to our eyes with wealth.
Copyright Cynthia Jones
Guess I'm the only smart one in this so-called relationship.
Copyright © Cynthia Jones | Year Posted 2016
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