Stones of Life
Stones do not speak the language of men or of angels. They are merely inanimate objects without a conscience or personality. As such, they utter not a sound. Or do they? Let us listen to what can be heard from the lips of stones.
12 stones on the banks of the Jordan: 12 stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel were placed in the Jordan river as a memorial designed to remind future generations of their ancestors' achievements. THE STONE OF LEGACY
Jesus said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone": The would-be stoners of a woman caught in adultery were left speechless when they were challenged to cast the first stone. They walked away, unable to stand up to the challenge of being flawless. THE STONE OF IMPERFECTION
Stones are great as tools of prediction and at telling true stories: Referring to the future destruction of Jerusalem, Jesus predicted that not one stone would be left on another. There were lots of examples Jesus could have used to describe Jerusalem's future of doom, but he chose stones. In this context, God is speaking prophetically through
the stones. They tell of the nature of God( All Knowing) and of the failures of mankind(Our nature is sinful). Let the stones tell the story.
Stephen was stoned to death: To be pelted repeatedly by stones until one's death was a terrible way to die. Stephen died in such a way, asking The Lord to not lay the actions against his murderers. THE STONE OF FORGIVENESS
Drawn in sand or carved on stone: May our lives be lived with such strength and integrity that every part of our being earns the right to be, not recorded in sand and blown away with the wind, but carved in stone to be seen and read by future generations. THE STONE OF ENDURANCE
The stone the builders rejected became the chief cornerstone: Never allow rejection to be the story of our lives. No matter what our lot in life happens to be, we cannot afford to be victims. Our walls are to be built so strong that we become immune to rejection. We therefore disallow rejection to be the seed that takes root in our hearts. If rejection takes root, it is certain to burst forth and produce much bad fruit. THE STONE OF IMMUNITY
These are only six of a myriads of 'stone applications' to life experiences from which we may benefit, if we dare apply them.
080821PSCtest, Stones, Anthony Biaanco
Copyright © Curtis Johnson | Year Posted 2021
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