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Stolen Gods

When Laban had gone to shear his sheep , Rachel stole her father's household gods. Genesis 31:19 Stolen gods, Sometimes speaking the truth can seem critisism while is much love. How can gods be stolen? Folks  of different beliefs Living with misunderstandings How could gods enter the bag? People of different minds and thoughts Living with misunderstandings Why did she stole her father's gods after witnessing miracles of the God of her husband? Stolen gods, the person who real loves you direct you well. Jacob real loved Rachel and she loved him too. Rachel loved God of Jacob without knowing  Him well reason why she could also value ( Idols) gods and stole them while they could not help her. Stolen gods, A man made god made from dust of the ground. Which can not talk or see Yoh! How can this ...protect and bless? Some beliefs will remain questionable. August 2/2023

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