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Stepmother Mars

The eagle landed and proudly placed a feather. Into the cool, silent lunar sand. Man hasn't been back in a long time. It's a difficult and expensive journey. People become bored with repetition. Funding slips-star ships explode. governments get sidetracked by oil and war. Mars is our new mistress. An icy redhead, skulls tattooed on her chest. We want to tempt gravity again. Plant rows of corn and humanity Swirl our toes in the cold red sand. But Mars is nothing but a stepmother. Uninviting starry cold face She'll never provide much of anything. But what about mother earth. Our beautiful blue pond. Garnished with evergreen and frond. Miracles of life around every bend. Providing everything for her selfish pigheaded, war children. Forever the faithful guardian- What about mother earth!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 12/21/2018 9:00:00 PM
Would it not be wonderful to take care of our OWN planet and spend the money here for that? Hmmmmmm too wise probably, and might not give the right people the billions they think they deserve.
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