I am a women that loves with all of her heart,
although not the true mother they have been mine from the start.
I look in their eyes and do not see me,
but when I look deeper in thier hearts a part me does peek.
I love them with every part of my being and no matter whos blood they stream they are mine by feeling.
Two beautiful lives that I have helped to mold into amazing children with souls so bold.
They only know they are loved by me a women, a friend thier stepmommy, why should a title mean more then love especially when its a child thats recieving this love.
They are mine now and forever in time and nothing will change this feeling of mine.
I hope that each day my girls know what they have given me the gift of unconditional love and parentry.
Stepmother I maybe but after the prefix truly describes me.
Copyright © Deartra Fry | Year Posted 2011
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