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Starry Skies Over Damascus

Starry skies over Damascus Like a star chart for the bomber pilots eating Milky Ways and lives Chocolate in the desert for desert in consumption The poem could stop here its pretty clear not pretty Petty lives perambulating hiding hobbling around on what was their feet foundations souls and is their ruin's wreckage now The planes feature logos “Just do it” “Whiter than white” “Put the tiger in the tank” “Eat confectionary be happy” What an advertising space for the daily news rounded up like the refugees refusing to be refuse “Powered by democracy” “Fuelled by share holdings” “Rocket launches for a better world” in the weeping nights and days lactating for another holiday of some on sunny beaches oozing oil wells wealth and inequality Milk where it needs not be in luxury not infant powder hungry breasts run dry by hunger sapped empty in the face of some lives counting more than others where camouflage is but a distant varnish in the pursuit of power Soon their will be billboards “Baghdad was not built in a moment” “Invest in Kabul” “Concrete for Allepo” “Live the dream” “Life liberty and the pursuit of happy-mess” “Constructing globality” Munching away in my cushioned arm chair built from greedy land mines I collude “You can have your milky ways” if the bomber pilots did not eat them all Whose wives implant their chests with silicone from the valley of evil that forgot Instead the artificial brain the heart transplant Mindful disposition of humanity Looking instead at the stars spangled banners of Damascus Milky ways

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 8/12/2016 8:58:00 AM
Very strong words here and a great write; lots to think about. Kudos.
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