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Stardust on autumn leaves

Remember, it was at a dawnbreak's hush. that you planted my spirit's lush paddock. T'was when stars used to twinkle much brighter, And the sun used to shine better than now. Those were happy times when we lived as friends; Our lives were then pleasant and beautiful, When autumn's leaves were picked barrowfuls, That's to show its memory is still fresh. But now at the dusk of my life's twilights, You decided to steal my heart's pastures, When high up in the sky the stars have climbed A reminder that long apart we're now. As autumn's leaves are shed in barrowfuls, So now, are our memories and regrets; And far away, the whirlwind has blown them, where they rest in nights of oblivion. I wept the day you left my life behind, Though, you left me with a song that die not; The song you used to sing with great delight; That you titled "stardust from years gone by". Many lonely nights, I chant loud the song; that melodic tune 'bout our yesteryears, I never stopped pondering the reason, Even when the sound haunts my reverie. Though, I feel we're again reunited, Just the way we were when our love was fresh, When kissing was a real sensation. But deep into our past that has become. Reminiscences are my assuagements, as lyrics in the stardust of a song. In the front of my life golden mirror, You were imagined cradled in my arms. More like a fantasy from nightingale, A scenic scenery where flowers bloom, Though, I know it's a dream dreamt in my dreams. Stardust song: my souvenir of love lost.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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