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~~A chess match is an opaque mirror into societal clash slippery rules and taboos playing upon a checkered past balcony kings and queens glaring down on the lower caste. Ramparts buttressing crooked flanks, serfs in the murky front devouring dirt, taking the brunt of many skirmishes to come. Senators riding sky horses, gliding so high above the fight neighing nonsense -fanning their brand of hell fire lies. Speedy tongued bishops blitzing on the slanted slide in our faces, showcasing only the wrongs of our lives. Black and white toppling ungracefully to the side. Flimsy smiles and flint handshakes without dialogue another fiery stalemate on the blazing horizon~~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/10/2020 6:49:00 PM
Perfectly penned, ala Jonathan Sw'ft. Way to skewer all those fakers! Cheers, Gershon
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