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Squaw On the Warpath

You wear your feathers proudly like a tribal chief. However, the things you do cause your better half’s grief. You gamble away the wampum that was meant for groceries. That money can’t be picked as if it grows on trees. Other females are taken in as if they were refugees. How many nights have you spent in other tepees? You load up with fire water until your head starts to spin. That’s enough to make your woman’s patience to be thin. You had better start running faster than Rin Tin Tin. She will come after you with a barrage of artillery. Nothing will save you. Not even the U. S. Cavalry. Can’t you see that her skin is turning red? When she catches up to you, she will bust your head.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 2/6/2014 12:40:00 PM
I really liked this. especially using Rin Tin Tin the wonderdog in it. It was a really great read, thanks.
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