Spring's Kindness
Cascading off the winter chill
leaving warmth wherever it traces
the edge of the daffodil, tulip or crocus
spring shines its brilliant rays across
the windowpane that mirrors the friendly praise
coloring the seals with such sweet appeal
lavender lilacs wave through camouflage branches
succeeding in meeting my gaze with a fulfillment
that sustains and, again, chases away the cold
that held winter there with me too long
in a gasp for kindness that was so alive in the sunlight
rays which trailed the mornings of March
winds who rained down showers of healing waters
feeding the tender sprigs of spring grass
glorious and graceful as the newborn calf
that often comes on the eve of a springtide day
warming me with such delicious kindness
eager for the days to grow longer and surer of the
laughing flow from small streams and creeks
breaking across gray stones, smooth as skin but hard
rocks so old and wise they hasten to cast a shadow of
deliverance to the one who listens to the voice
colored in hues of compassion from laughing rivers
who praise from their gurgling voices
closing the door on winter and the icy chill
makes me want to hug the air as I breathe deeply
almost hungrily, for the precious melody of dust particles
making music with rays of sunshine brightening
the streams of life flittering to and fro amid the
brilliant colors of rainbow pastels and soothing gold tones
in hues that drift across the mountain ridges
caressing the warm, azure promise of sky that sinks down
through pearlescent clouds of snowy white
to touch horizon’s bluegrass pastures
where springy spring lambs dot the lands
reflective of April skies of the air - of the mind
nostalgia of innocent youth stirred by their tender frolic
'neath the revelry of the sun stealing time from the moon
as gold’s-shine dims silver’s-luster much to her chagrin
and quickens the pulses of the dormant earth
to beat like timpani drums in bursts of buds reborn
perennials in seasoned resurrection rouse
my being to rise to stretch and reach like a fern in
fine fiddle-head form unfurling
like a graceful frond released
from the long-night’s grip to catch the light of life
my spirit evergreen a fertile crescent cradling my
humanity grows with appreciation for
Her burgeoning imagination -
Nature the Maytime artiste
fills me with wonderment at Her creations
peacocks painted in wavelengths of sapphire and jade
living gems in full-plume and
wind-chimes fluted by breezy sylphs
whisk me from fen to fell on musical swells
thunderstorms sculpted from cumulus clouds lift
exultation through layers of rumbled atmosphere and
humbled consciousness as
the rushing river’s laughter rises
and inspires me to close my eyes and lean into the wind
as I aspire to be the clay on the potter’s wheel shaped
by the mercy of these gingham moments -
while snowdrops reminisce of the season past
the forsythia yellow-laden flaunts my joy
colorful whims of the morrow still embryos in sepals
yet to flower and bare the beauty of what’s to come
dusty sunbeams jazz up dusky nooks through
open windows welcoming the season of grass
and up in pine tree pulpits tweet soprano sweet sparrows
who praise from their trilling voices
March 29, 2021
Regina McIntosh and Susan Ashley - collaborating
*fen is a type of wetland or lowland and *fell is a naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain
Copyright © Regina Mcintosh | Year Posted 2021
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