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Spiritus Why is it that specific memories haunt me daily? These most welcomed dearest friends! Like comfortable, warm velvet slippers, Hugging and warming, today's dreams. Sipping that first brewed coffee, Why is that so heavenly a scent? And the flickering flames of the heater? Warm, comforting, crackling. Magically return, my spirit's searing desires. Floating all about my head and pushing the quill of my spirit-filled pen. Mellow lightning in my brain, yes. Birthing, God willing, poem to soothe The hearts of angst ridden women and men. Panagiota Romios 4/17/2019

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 4/17/2019 1:56:00 PM
Rich, wondrous, noble ink, the title lovely played. x
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 4/17/2019 2:06:00 PM
Maureen! I totally must admit how much I appreciate your ability to say so much in so few words. And, oh! Thank you for commenting. Each Comnent is a gift from one poet to another. Panagiota. Happy Easter Bunny!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry