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Spiritual Awakening

I listened to Word and Song To clear my spirit from dusk til dawn The guidance from a Shepard’s Hook Then read a book that spoke the Truth. I questioned its validity Then in my spirit it comforted me Through light and love a victory I heard the words, sweet melody. I prayed for peace to settle my heart While releasing all judgment it would depart, And bring to all a sacred space Upon the earth great works took place. For each word that was spoken here High within the mountain air Like a spring — so divine I drank it in - drunk like wine. My spirit began to separate A youthful pride did resonate But I stood still to release its hold I gathered wisdom from a stone. For life breeds life and death no more Settled on a distant shore A wave blows in to resonate Blissful moments to meditate.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/21/2023 11:56:00 AM
Amen, love it stay in that word and song all in this world is out to steal it, this treasure within is from His kingdom
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